
AI’s more powerful than the internet and fashion needs to keep up says

AI’s more powerful than the internet and fashion needs to keep up says

Published 8th February 2017 Darcie Thompson-Fields, Access Ai The musician and entrepreneur encouraged fashion brands to embrace advancing technologies at a talk in London on the 6th February. British Fashion Council Trust’s co-chair, Tania Fares, hosted the talk with and Farfetch CEO José Neves at Sotheby’s in Mayfair. The […]

Faith Forum: technology vs. religion

Faith Forum: technology vs. religion

The results of a recent study showed that “belief in scientific-technological progress is a stronger predictor of life satisfaction than religious beliefs.” The abstract of this study by Olga Stavrova, Daniel Ehlebracht and Detlef Fetchenhauer — all of Germany’s University of Cologne, posted on “Science Direct”, stated, “A strong belief in scientific-technological progress […]